
Tomorrow evening, I will face the other leaders in the English national televised debate.

The French debate will take place on Thursday.

This could be a turning point in the campaign.

Millions of Canadians will be hearing about the People’s Party for the first time.

Our TV ads will also start airing on the CTV and TVA networks tomorrow.

John, you and I both know that we have the best platform.

More Canadians need to hear about it.

We have a fantastic team of supporters on social media who are getting our message out for free.

But not everybody is on social media.

And TV ads are not cheap.

Please contribute $5 today so we can tell more Canadians that they have a REAL CHOICE in this election.

Thank you again for your continued support!

PS: I thank you if you recently donated. You can still help us by following the PPC on social media (see links below) and by sharing our content with your friends. Or by inviting them to subscribe to our free newsletter.

People's Party of Canada
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To make a donation with a cheque, please use this address: 290, St-Joseph Blvd, room 205, Gatineau, Quebec, J8Y 3Y3. The cheque must be made payable to People's Party of Canada. To make an online donation, please visit our website: Thank you!
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