Urge Calendars Committee to Vote Out HB 1399 and HB 1424 Before Monday Deadline

With just over 3 weeks left in the 87th Texas Legislative Session, major legislative deadlines are fast approaching. The constitutional deadline to get House bills voted out of the Texas House Calendars Committee and set for a floor vote is next Monday, May 10th! There are two key Texas Values Action supported bills on religious freedom and protecting children that need to be voted out of Calendars by the deadline: HB 1399 by Rep. Matt Krause (protecting children from gender modification), and HB 1424 by Rep. Tom Oliverson (physician conscience protection).

Please contact each Calendar Committee member RIGHT NOW and let them know that HB 1399 and HB 1424 cannot die. They need to be voted out by Monday, May 10th!

HB 1399 will protect children from having healthy body parts removed and from allowing physicians to provide them with irreversible puberty blocking drugs in an attempt to affirm a “gender identity” that reject bodily reality. HB 1424 protects diversity of belief within the medical profession and protects healthcare providers from being forced to choose between their ethical, moral, or religious values and their life’s calling. Please also continue to take action to contact your own House member.



Historic: Pro-Life Heartbeat Bill Passes Texas House

This week, the Texas House of Representatives voted for final passage of the pro-life Texas Heartbeat Bill (SB 8 by Senator Bryan Hughes and Rep. Shelby Slawson) by a bipartisan vote of 83-64. SB 8 is now headed back to the Texas Senate for their final approval and then to Governor Greg Abbott for his signature. Gov. Greg Abbott has already stated three times in Twitter posts that he will sign the Texas Heartbeat bill when it gets to his desk.

A heartbeat is a universal sign of life, and that’s why so many Texans believe that when a heartbeat of an unborn child is detected, that child should be protected. SB 8 requires physicians to check for a baby’s heartbeat, inform the mother if the presence of a heartbeat is detected, and take all necessary steps to protect the life of the child. We look forward to helping ensure the strongest pro-life bill in Texas history will soon be on the Governor’s desk.



Watch Our Legislative Training 102 Video

Take the next step in making a difference at the Texas Capitol for faith, family, and freedom during the Texas Legislative Session! We invite you to watch Texas Values’ recent Texas Legislative Advocacy 102 seminar, led by our professional policy team, to learn about the Texas legislative process and how to be an effective advocate for faith, family & freedom at the Texas Capitol. The video and other resources are now available on Texas Values' website. Click here to watch.

Podcast: Lt. Gov. Patrick Joins Program 

On the most recent edition of our weekly radio show the Texas Values Report, host Jonathan Saenz was joined by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and Steve Munisteri, Advisor to Governor Greg Abbott, to talk about important issues impacting Texans in the ongoing Texas Legislative Session. The Texas Values Report podcast is available weekly on iTunes and other popular podcasting services – be sure to subscribe! Listen here.


Texas Values Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Texas Values, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values Action, All rights reserved.



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(512) 478-2220
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