BREAKING FROM THE NY TIMES: Trump proposed knee-capping migrants and building an alligator moat at the Southern border.


Do you support Trump's cruel agenda?

Friends: The latest report about Trump’s inhumane immigration agenda shot a chill down our spine. In private meetings, Trump suggested SHOOTING migrants in the legs, asked what it would cost to build an alligator filled moat, and wanted an ELECTRIFIED WALL with spikes that could, “pierce human flesh.”

Yes. You read that correctly. Shooting migrants. Electrified fences. Alligator moats. Cruel, insane ideas like these are why Democratic Attorneys General have been fighting back and suing to block Trump’s agenda.

In the wake of this shocking new report, we want to hear from supporters like you to plan our strategy. Don’t be silent in the face of Trump’s cruelty. Make your voice heard before this poll closes at midnight:


Do you support Trump's cruel agenda?

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