To win a government of the people, we need a movement funded by the people...

Dear John,


Y’all, we said the movement wouldn’t stop on Election Day. It didn’t. 


Since November, we've pulled off all of the following (and more):

  • Won 2 City Council seats in Morgantown and created a model for local slate campaigns
  • Introduced more than a dozen bills that reflect our New Deal for West Virginia
  • Put a legislative aide (thanks, Eric Sebert!) up at the Capitol to support our electeds 
  • Sponsored and helped launch 6 new, local, working class media outlets
  • Organized free mental health services and safety/security protocols for our movement leaders and candidates 
  • Joined the fight to kill the legislature’s proposed tax increase for working families
  • Organized monthly organizer trainings for mutual aid groups and WV Can’t Wait leaders
  • Gave comment to more than 15 stories in local, state, and national news outlets
  • Released the first two articles in Katey’s cutting-edge national series about rural organizing
  • Founded WV Can’t Wait Mutual Aid and WV Can’t Wait Votes 

With the 2022 elections right around the corner, we know this groundwork is worth funding. Click here to start a one-time or monthly donation.


Today, you can join one of the 800+ people who have made a contribution to the WV Can’t Wait Action Committee. If you’re one of those people who has already made a donation, please consider making another one RIGHT NOW to celebrate the recent wins in the Morgantown City Council race. More slates are on the horizon!


This slow, critical base building work is hard to fundraise for. Individual donations from people like you are what make it possible.


Here’s that online link one last time: (Or mail a check to WV Can't Wait Action Committee / PO Box 1633 / Huntington, WV 25717).


In solidarity,



PS Wanna hop on the phone and talk more strategy for 2022? Click reply and we can schedule a time...



WV Can't Wait is a movement to win a people's government in the Mountain State. For more information, visit