Republican Jewish Coalition

John --

We are thrilled to announce that the RJC PAC will back Representative Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA1) for re-election! 

In 2018 the RJC, by spending over $500,000, played a major role in securing Fitzpatrick’s reelection. We were even cited by election analysts as the reason he won his race against a BDS supporting Democrat. Because of these efforts we flipped that election from a toss-up to a Fitzpatrick win. This year we need you to help ensure Democrats won’t try and redouble their efforts to defeat Congressman Fitzpatrick. Will you help us?


Congressman Fitzpatrick has long demonstrated his commitment to supporting Israel and promoting freedom and democracy in the Middle East. He was a strong advocate for opening the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, he supports efforts to continue strengthening the relationship between the US and Israel, and was a co-sponsor of the Taylor Force Act that cuts off American aid to the Palestinian Authority while they continue to fund terrorism against Israelis and Americans.

It’s clear that Rep. Fitzpatrick is an important leader who is equipped to continue fighting for our values in Congress. Will you chip in today to support his campaign?

Donate through this portal, and your donation will go directly to Rep. Fitzpatrick’s campaign. He will know that you made the donation and that it went through the RJC PAC portal.


Scott Feigelstein 

RJC Pennsylvania Director

[email protected]

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Republican Jewish Coalition | 50 F Street, N.W., Suite 100 | Washington, DC 20001
202.638.6688 | [email protected]
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