She claims its due to her 'intersectionality' credentials
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Ilhan Omar Says Trump 'Terrified' of Her ([link removed]) She claims its due to her 'intersectionality' credentials Listen and Share ([link removed])
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News and Video
Rashida Tlaib Makes Racist Comments to Detroit Police Chief ([link removed]) Talk about racism. Here's a great display. Watch and Share ([link removed])
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CAIR's Zahra Billoo Throws Anti-Semitic Fit ([link removed]) Islamists can't handle being pushed out Read and Share ([link removed])
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Saudi, UAE, Bahrain Send Striking Blessings for Jewish New Year ([link removed]) Shifting sands with Trump, Israel and the Middle East are bring incredible changes Read and Share ([link removed])
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Readers Write
Antifa Blocks, Berates Elderly Woman Using Walker ([link removed])
“It amazes me that when something is happening and someone needs help, there is always some idiot videoing it instead of helping. I'm 75 myself, but if I saw someone in trouble I would do my best to help them even if I got my butt kicked! At least in my heart I would know I tried to make a difference.”
- W.M.
Facebook Generates Content for Jihadis ([link removed])
“I guess ISIS, etc. meet Facebook’s community standards.”
- M.K.
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