Last week was May Day, and rallies and marches across the city set to re-anchor the working class following a year of economic collapse, pandemic horror and fascist insurgency.
Our chapter helped organize more than 200 attendees — joined by Our Revolution, Virginia DSA, Baltimore DSA, La ColectiVA and a panel of local labor unions — to march down to Sen. Warner’s home in Alexandria to demand he side with workers and the PRO Act (video of the event can be found on Twitter and Instagram). The demonstration certainly got Mark Warner’s attention — on May 4th, Warner released a video which finally broke his silence. He fell short of directly approving of the full act, advancing concerns that the PRO Act tries to fit work into a “20th-century employment status.” However, this is a good sign that the pressure is on and that Warner is looking for a way to sidestep his corporate donors. Union activists are continuing to keep pressure on Warner — delivering cakes to his doorstep and rallying in the park outside of his house every Wednesday as DSA’s PRO Act campaign continues alongside organized labor to keep pressure on the remaining Democratic holdouts. All of this has sent the corporate world running scared — major labor exploiters are spending big figures to oppose the PRO Act.
Candidates who were nominated for the chapter steering committee and delegate slates have accepted their nominations.
Join Stomp Out Slumlords and help tenants access rental assistance!
Hundreds of tenants came together across DC this past year to fight for their homes amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Tenants organized rent strikes and protests, which forced the city first to close eviction court, to temporarily ban evictions, and finally to win $350 million for the city in federal rent relief. This an unprecedented amount of rental assistance money and a huge victory for tenants.
Though this is a major step forward, the new rental assistance program (STAY DC) requires each tenant to submit a long and somewhat complicated online application. The form is challenging, and nearly impossible without a computer, a bewildering stack of documents, and some skill in navigating online forms/bureaucracy. We desperately need volunteers to help tenants apply. The most vulnerable tenants in our community — the ones for whom STAY was intended and who organized to win it — can’t do this alone, and we don’t have enough organizers to help every single tenant.
Please sign up and help us in the fight to get tenants the money they won! SOS will provide training on how to support tenants with applications and will connect volunteers to tenants in organized buildings. This is a great opportunity for people looking to connect with their neighbors and support tenant organizing. This could be a short term commitment, but would likely require some in-person interaction (masks on, socially distanced). Volunteers need a laptop and a smartphone. Spanish speakers especially needed! Sign up here.
ICE signs new contract allowing for long-term detention of migrant youth in Winchester, VA
Metro DC DSA has signed onto a coalition statement from Free Them All VA Coalition denouncing a new migrant detention contract signed by ICE. You can read the full statement released here.
The new contract allows ICE to take migrant youth from their families and detain them in Virginia. It was signed shortly after the last such contract in the US was terminated in Cowlitz County, WA, and just one month into Biden’s administration. The incident is a chilling reminder that many of the abuses which drew outrage by the Trump administration continue to be enabled by the Biden administration.
If you want to get involved in advocacy to battle ICE and end migrant detention, our comrades at Detention Watch Network are hosting a webinar on Tuesday, May 11th at 6:30pm covering detention under the Biden administration (register at link).
Harassment and Grievance Officer nominee Town Hall re-scheduled for May 13th at 6:30pm
The Town Hall will be for selected HGO nominees, who will be announced the morning of Wednesday, May 12th. RSVP HERE. For folks who cannot attend, the meeting will be recorded. Additionally, you can still apply to be an HGO or a member of the Harassment Policy commission until May 9th! APPLY HERE.
HGOs are responsible for managing the grievance workflows, which you can read about in our Harassment Policy and Grievance Procedure resolution. They receive filed grievances, conduct any necessary investigation of the claims, and present their findings to the Steering Committee with a written report. The incoming HGOs will also head a new commission that will be tasked with reviewing and suggesting revisions as necessary MDC DSA’s current harassment policy and grievance procedure.
Karishma Mehta campaign in NoVA enters the final stretch
We’re nearing the final stretch of the campaign to put a socialist in Amazon’s backyard. The primaries in Virginia are on June 8th and we’re in it to win it with NoVA branch member Karishma Mehta! The campaign is ramping up activities as we get closer to the Get Out the Vote weekend — starting up Tuesday evening canvasses, Saturday potlucks/meet & greets (next one is Saturday, May 15th) and of course the path to victory: doors, doors, doors! You can find links to everything to do with getting signed up for a canvass, phonebank or recruitment call nights here.
Defund MPD campaign updates
Defund MPD here with some easy ways for you to plug in and help defund MPD and REFUND our communities:
Sign up for wheatpasting campaign — Sign up here to get plugged into a mass wheatpasting event!
Phonebank to support Defund MPD — Choose a date here to phonebank with Defund MPD to get DC residents to call their councilmembers in support of Defund demands! The DC budget season is heating up and we need all hands on deck!
Sign the Defund MPD Coalition petition to demand that the DC Council defund MPD to REFUND our communities! If an organization you’re in wants to endorse the Defund MPD Coalition demands, fill out this form!
Childcare request from Stomp Out Slumlords
Stomp Out Slumlords is about to launch an organizer training program for some of our Spanish-speaking tenant leaders, many of whom are single moms. This crew of tenant leaders has been doing amazing work over the past year, and we’re excited to build on this leadership and expand our capacity.
We’d LOVE to find some help with childcare so that these leaders can participate in the in-person training, which will take place on Monday evenings from 5 to 7pm in Petworth. We’re starting next Monday, May 10th. Would anyone be willing to devote a couple of hours on Monday evenings to help provide childcare? Please send an email to [email protected] if you are available.
Metro Dc DSA's M4A campaign updates
Stomp Out Slumlords is about to launch an organizer training program for some of our Spanish-speaking tenant leaders, many of whom are single moms. This crew of tenant leaders has been doing amazing work over the past year, and we’re excited to build on this leadership and expand our capacity.
We’d LOVE to find some help with childcare so that these leaders can participate in the in-person training, which will take place on Monday evenings from 5 to 7pm in Petworth. We’re starting next Monday, May 10th. Would anyone be willing to devote a couple of hours on Monday evenings to help provide childcare? Please send an email to [email protected] if you are available.
PG County Branch news
Members of the newly elected Steering Committee (all elected at-large) in the Prince George’s Branch at this week’s initial meeting discussed member mobilization, and organizing a retreat to organize steering portfolios, responsibilities and election of officers. If you are interested in getting involved, don’t hesitate to email [email protected].
Socialist Feminist caucus updates
Our Fund-A-Thon benefitting the DC Abortion Fund continues — though we are $423 over our team goal! Let’s see if we can get to $5,000. A generous donor is matching donations, dollar for dollar, until May 9th — so your contribution goes even further! You can donate directly to our team page or support through one of the following fundraisers:
Some additional events:
5/13 7pm is SocFem Social Hour with special guest! Join our conversation on Childcare 4 ALL and what that might look like. We’ll also have games and general chatter. We enthusiastically welcome all womxn*, nonbinary and people of marginalized genders.
5/22 2pm is SocFem Reading Group. Our topic is womxn and labor. We’ll read from Stone Butch Blues as well as the essay, “Caring Enough to Strike: US Teachers’ Strikes in Perspective.”
Important resolution on use of chapter social media for not-endorsed candidates
We wanted to repost this important resolution regarding use of chapter social media accounts for candidates not endorsed by MDC DSA that was passed by the Steering Committee during the April 21 meeting.
You can read the entire resolution here, but for summary: Chapter resources, social media and other communications platforms may not be used by members or any chapter body to solicit donations or volunteers on behalf of a non-endorsed candidate, publicize events hosted or sponsored by a non-endorsed candidate or ask for other forms of support for a non-endorsed candidate.
This section does not preclude members from advocating internally for or against an endorsement, sharing newsworthy information about candidates for office or making good-faith informational inquiries about a candidate. This section will be interpreted on a discretionary basis by the individual(s) responsible for moderating content on a particular platform.
Biden admin announces support for COVID vaccine waiver following pressure from activists
Last Wednesday, DSA members joined a coalition of health justice organizations on the National Mall to demand the Biden administration “free the vaccine.” At the event, community leaders, public health professionals and local artists called on the Biden administration to make vaccines available for the whole world. In particular, the rally-goers asked that Biden support the TRIPS waiver and invest in the scale up of global vaccine manufacturing.
The Biden administration relented — announcing that it supports waiving patent protections on COVID vaccines. While we always have to follow the details on something like this, this is undeniably the result of pressure applied by activists — including efforts continually engaged by democratic socialists — to challenge corporate control over global health systems.
Washington Socialist May edition
In case you missed it, we released our May edition of the Washington Socialist just last week. Included are writings prepared and edited by socialists in the DMV. Here’s what we’ve got:
The Metro DC Mobilization Model — A long assessment of Metro DC DSA’s member mobilization tactics. The article has been shared widely between socialists across the country (even reaching our comrades out in Philly). A good read for folks interested in knowing the strategy that informs our chapter’s member mobilization models and political tactics.
On Climate, Biden Falls Far Short — Biden’s infrastructure plan is a fair start to mobilizing, but no one should mistake it for a Green New Deal. Important to remember as we extract small bits of hope from the Biden administration.
My Socialist Kick-Start — Somewhere embedded in all of our socialist souls is the memory of that first book — fiction or nonfiction — that set us on our course to socialism. One member recounts his journey (and we suspect many socialists will find this path quite familiar).
How Racism Hurts All of Us — In this summary of Heather McGhee’s The Sum of Us, we are reminded how crucial racial divisions between the working class are to upholding capitalist exploitation.
Reflections from 2000: The Communists of Shaw — A short article republished from an old edition of the Socialist recounts far-left activity in one of the District’s most cherished neighborhoods.
Good Links from April — Sleep through March? We’ve got you covered. Here’s an article roundup from April.
Interested in helping out with the Washington Socialist or this Weekly Update? Fill out our Publications Working Group signup form, or join the #publications channel on Slack and someone from the group will reach out.
Saturday, May 8
10 – 11am | Fund-A-Thon Yoga in the Park
11am – 1pm | PG County Branch Ecosocialism WG Meeting
3pm – 5pm | Vaccine Registration Community Canvass with Karishma for Virginia
Sunday, May 9
5 – 6:30pm | Medicare for All Working Group Weekly Meeting
Monday, May 10
6 – 8pm | Queer Caucus Happy Hour
7 – 8:30pm | May Labor Speaker Series
Join Metro DC DSA’s Labor Working Group for our monthly Labor Speaker Series event! For May, we’ll be joined by Jana Silverman, member of the Labor Subcommittee of DSA’s International Committee and member of OPEIU Local 2. Jana will speak on her history as a labor activist in the US and abroad and her work at the Solidarity Center supporting the international worker movement.
Tuesday, May 11
7 – 9pm | Biweekly Steering Committee Meeting
Wednesday, May 12
5:30 – 7:30pm | Defund MPD Phone Bank
8 – 9pm | Why You Should Join DSA / New Member Orientation
Thursday, May 13
7 – 8:30pm | NoVA Executive Meeting
7 – 9pm | SocFem Grrrlz Night Social Hour
Note: Currently, all SocFem gatherings and discussions are welcoming only those who identify as womxn, nonbinary people or those of marginalized genders. We ask that men do not participate at this time.
8 – 9 pm | Internationalism Working Group May Meeting
Come to the first Internationalism Working Group meeting in a year! Join us as we reconnect with each other and discuss upcoming events, collaboration with the BDS Working Group, and a campaign focus for the future!
Saturday, May 15
7 – 8:30pm | NoVA Book Club: The Happiness Industry
Join the next NoVa Book Club to discuss The Happiness Industry by William Davies. Registration and book details at link.
Sunday, May 16
5 – 6:30pm | Medicare for All Working Group Weekly Meeting
6 – 7:30pm | Defund MPD Working Group – Monthly Meeting
Tuesday, May 18
6 – 6:30pm | Medicare For All Working Group: Research Team
7 – 8pm | MoCo 2022 Elections Working Group Meeting
7 – 9pm | Abolitionist Reading Group
Wednesday, May 19
5:30 – 7:30pm | Defund MPD Phonebank
7 – 9pm | PG Co. DSA General Body Meeting
8 – 9pm | Why You Should Join DSA / New Member Orientation
Thursday, May 20
7 – 8:30pm | NoVA Branch Monthly Organizing Meeting
Saturday, May 22
2 – 4pm | Socialist Feminist Reading Group
Sunday, May 23
3 – 5pm | General Body Meeting | May
Friday, May 7
7pm | Anti-Racist Movements in Brazil: Activist Series – Anatalina Lourenço & Almir Aguiar
Around the world, Black-led movements are raising the stakes in our collective struggles. This discussion series with leading Black and Indigenous militants from across Brazil spotlights their experiences in organizing against state violence, workplace exploitation, and structural racism everywhere from education to healthcare. … more at link
Saturday, May 8
3pm | DSA Q&A feat. the PRO Act
Interested in DSA but haven’t joined yet? Looking to get involved in the fights to stop evictions, win Medicare for All, defund the police or pass a Green New Deal, but unsure how to get started? Join DSA leaders from across the country to talk about how passing the PRO Act is central to our goals. … more at link
Wednesday, May 12
8pm | DSA Convention Training
If you’re running to be a delegate to the DSA Convention (or considering it), join us for a training on how to use Cadence, the software we’re using to host the Convention. This training will include how to access and navigate Cadence, how to start 1:1 and group chats and video calls, how to connect with other delegates … more at link
A new section to amplify smaller notices from allied organizations, community groups and mutual aid formations.