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Friday, May 7th, 2021

Re The Lefty Twit Called Zuck

David Stockman

The Very Notion of ‘Leadership’ Is an Abject Failure of Individual Responsibility

Gary D. Barnett

The Warmongers Have Gone Woke

The CIA is now using ‘intersectionality’ to push its imperial designs. Fraser Myers

Aldous Huxley Foresaw Our Despots — Fauci, Gates, and Their Vaccine Crusaders

Patricia McCarthy

W.H.O. and C.D.C. – The New Nuremberg Trials 2021 [Crimes Against Humanity]


A Covenant With Death

Bionic Mosquito

Election Integrity: The Civil Rights Issue of Our Time | Robert Barnes

Charles Burris

How Many Americans Have Died After Taking Covid Vaccines?

Tucker Carlson

We’re Told the US’s Only Option Is To Escalate Aggression Against Russia & China. It’s a Lie. Detente Is Possible

Caitlin Johnstone

Decentralization, Absolutism, and the Papal States

Ryan McMaken

Fauci Defends the Crown, Descends the Evolutionary Ladder

Jon Rappoport

The US Brainwashes the World

Paul Craig Roberts

LRC Blog

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