2 iftars and an Eid. Join us!
The Oldest Progressive Muslim Organization in America
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Join Rep. Turner at an Iftar
In the last few days of Ramadan we have a few iftars and an exciting Eid event planned!
May 8: MPV National and Human Rights Campaign Annual Iftar
The featured guest is Representative Mauree Turner (They/She), Oklahoma House District 88.
Other speakers include:
* Michael Vazquez (He/Him), Religion & Faith Director, Human Rights Campaign
* Ani Zonneveld (She/Her), Founder and President, Muslims for Progressive Values
* Dr. Melyssa Haffaf, (She/Her), Director, Gender Justice Initiative, Georgetown University
* Blair Imani (She/Her), Historian/Author/Educator/Influencer
To attend, please visit MPV’s FB page ( [link removed] ).
May 10: MPV-NY and Hindus for Human Rights hosts their joint iftar
Sadhana's Pandita-in-Residence, Pratima Kushridevi Doobay, will bring us together with a Hindu prayer, followed by a prayer
led by Muslims for Progressive Values. We will then have a group discussion on how we can move beyond some of the
misconceptions and tensions that exist between our Muslim and Hindu communities today, and brainstorm new opportunities for
dialogue and solidarity.
Please register here ( [link removed] ).
May 15, 5 pm EST: MPV-Boston and Desi Rainbow Parents and Allies Eid Celebration.
Eid is celebrated as a major holiday by millions of South Asians, with a dazzling diversity of language and cultural
traditions. For queer folks and for their parents and families, festivals can bring up feelings of isolation and alienation.
The pandemic complicates this even further. Desi Rainbow Parents and Allies invites all Desi LGBTQ+ folx, their families and
allies to an Inclusive Eid Celebration, open to all gender identities and sexual orientations. Kids of all ages are welcome!
We will listen to affirming words from faith leaders and celebrate the talents and joy of LGBTQ+ Muslims.
To register please visit here ( [link removed] ).
During this month of Ramadan, MPV has launched its MPV-Urdu Facebook page ( [link removed] ). The intention
is to continue to spread our message of inclusivity, and to inculcate a culture rooted in human rights for nearly 130 million
Urdu speakers around the world. If you are interested in supporting this initiative, please email us at info@mpvusa.org with
“MPV-Urdu” in the subject line. We could use some funding specifically to produce content for this project.
And, we were highlighted on NPR’s All Things Considered “During The 2nd Ramadan Of The Pandemic, People Find Ways To Connect
From Afar.” Please have a listen here ( [link removed] ).
Lastly, it is Ramadan, so do consider donating your zakat and make MPV one of the organizations you give to annually.
Wishing our Muslim readers a Happy Eid!
Onward and upward…
Ani Zonneveld
Founder, president
In This Issue:
* President's Greeting
* Ramadan National Updates
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