I’m following up because we don’t have your name on our petition yet. Please add your name to help ensure American-supplied military aid doesn’t enable demolitions, settlement growth or the unlawful detention of Palestinian children.
J Street


Together, voters across the country are calling on our leaders to ensure that American military aid to Israel must be used for legitimate security purposes and cannot be diverted to support demolitions, settlement growth or the unlawful detention of Palestinian children.

I’m following up today because we don’t yet have your name on our petition.


Emboldened by the Trump administration, the Netanyahu government has significantly escalated settlement growth and demolitions of Palestinian communities over the past four years -- a deeply concerning trend that is continuing today with ongoing settlement approvals and escalations in East Jerusalem evictions.

As we seek to chart a new course in the Biden era, we cannot allow our security assistance to serve as a blank check to the settlement movement and the far-right.

That's why we need you to help send a powerful message to Congress and the White House that there is strong, popular support for action to deter steps that violate our shared values, trample Palestinian rights and jeopardize Israel’s own democratic future.

Add your voice now >>

We have to be clear, the 'choice' between ensuring Israel's security and upholding Palestinian rights has always been a false one -- a wedge used to divide the majority of American Jews who support the rights of both Palestinians and Israelis to live with freedom, security and dignity.

As we make clear in this petition, greater transparency over our security aid would actually strengthen America’s full, bipartisan security commitments to Israel by ensuring all our aid is used for defensive purposes -- and cannot be diverted toward actions that violate human rights, undermine Palestinian self-determination and threaten our vision of a just, peaceful and democratic Israel.

Please take a moment to read, share and sign the petition today.


Debra Shushan,
Director of Government Affairs

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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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