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 News of the Week

The Three Unknowns of the Scott Stringer Controversy
We don’t know what happened in 2001. We can’t be sure we’ll ever find out for sure, or when. And it’s unclear that it will really affect the 2021 mayoral race, where Eric Adams and Andrew Yang continue to appear dominant.

A Year Later, Here’s How NYC’s Immigrant Emergency Relief Funds Were Spent
City Limits has been gathering information since January about how the city’s immigrant emergency relief program was set up and operated. Many complained that the program was not adequately publicized, leaving immigrant residents in the dark about how to apply.

Max & Murphy on the Issues: Immigration
New York’s identity is that it’s a city of immigrants. Are candidates for city offices committed to turning that slogan a reality for today’s foreign-born New Yorkers?

Policy Shop: Billions for Housing, A Citywide Swipe and Childcare for All
Eric Adams and Andrew Yang were among the 2021 candidates who highlighted policy ideas as the campaign moved to within 50 days of election day.

West Bronx Council Race: Will Higher Turnout Drown Out a Famous Name?
What’s in a name? The 11th District City Council primary is likely to find out.

State Lawmakers Vote to Extend Eviction Moratorium Through August, as Tenants Await Rent Relief Funds
The State Assembly and Senate passed a bill that would extend the former moratorium on most evictions—protections that lapsed May 1—through the end of August. A separate state initiative to distribute federal relief funds to property owners whose tenants owe back-rent is not expected to be up and running until the end of the month.
Tune in tonight!

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Una Ciudad sin Límites

  Los nombres de Angel Zapata Hernandez, de 24 años, Adam Toledo, de 13 años y Mario Gonzalez, de 26 años se suman a la larga lista de latinos que mueren a manos de la policía.
  City Limits se ha asociado con New York Immigration Coalition, THE CITY y Gotham Gazette para realizar un foro el próximo 6 de mayo sobre las ideas de los candidatos a la alcaldía de Nueva York en el tema de inmigración. Habrá traducción simultánea en español.

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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics

Opinion: NYC’s Next Mayor Must Seek ‘Transformative’ Solutions to Address Family Homelessness Crisis
‘The next mayor will inherit this crisis but has a tremendous opportunity with incoming federal funds and a wealth of experienced and committed providers, developers, and advocacy and philanthropic organizations to work with, to transform the city’s housing and homelessness policies and meet the needs of our struggling families.’

Opinion: Budget Can Offer a Down Payment Towards a Caring and Compassionate New Deal for NYC
‘We can address poverty and public health concerns by providing people the housing, social services and care they actually need—and by divesting from policing and incarceration.’

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