I’m proud to share that my racial justice platform is a part of every single one of my policy platforms — because every issue is a racial justice issue.

John —

It is amazing to see so many candidates for office in New York this year with bold, progressive racial justice platforms. But I’ve noticed a common trend — every candidate’s racial justice platform stands apart from the rest of their policy platform. They have an economic policy, immigration policy, housing policy, and then a separate racial justice policy, by which they often just mean criminal justice reform.

But we know that racism affects and infects every part of our society and that we cannot separate racial justice from any policy arena. We must bring a racial justice lens to everything we do in public (and private) life.

That’s why I’m proud to share that my racial justice platform is a part of every single one of my policy platforms — because every issue is a racial justice issue.

You can read the full description of how racial justice is a part of every single one of my major policy platforms here.

I’ve said from day one that our campaign would be different. That’s because we’re not just winning an election, we’re building a larger and lasting progressive movement. One that treats injustice, inequity, and racism as systemic problems that have infected not just one area of government and society, but all of it.

If you believe our city needs a lasting bold progressive movement to create real change to address inequality and racial injustice, then chip in here >>



Lindsey Boylan

Lindsey Boylan is a justice-first progressive Democrat running for Manhattan Borough President to create a more equitable, sustainable, and livable city.

Will you make a grassroots contribution to help us build a winning campaign AND so Lindsey can continue to speak truth to power?