Hi folks —

This week, I’ll be sitting down with my team to go over our priorities and strategy for the next couple months. Before we do, it’s important to me that I get your feedback.

While too many Washington politicians only care about big donors or wealthy special interests, my top priority is making sure my team fights for you and your interests.

I wish I could sit down and grab coffee (or a cold beer) with each and every one of you to hear about your concerns. But the next-best way for me to know what’s on your mind is through my quick priorities survey.

Will you take a few minutes (two, tops!) to let me know what issues matter most to you right now?

Take our survey

This is our best chance to make progress on so many important issues now that we have a Democratic majority in Washington. But first, we must set our priorities together.

Your feedback is extremely important to me, so I really hope you’ll take some time to fill out my survey today.

Thanks. I’ll be in touch soon.

— John