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Dear John,

Can you imagine what it would have been like to be in the boat with Jesus on the Sea of Galilee when the squall came upon them suddenly? 

The gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke all record the disciples’ fear, and the painter Rembrandt captures it masterfully in his work Christ in the Storm on the Lake of Galilee

I can identify with this scene, as I think many of us are having a similar reaction. A storm of global proportions is raging around us. We’re experiencing unprecedented violence, conflict and acrimony. Our own government is contributing to the chaos with oppressive control and tyranny. A lot of us are afraid, and that fear is boiling over into explosive anger. 

Into all this Jesus speaks: “Peace. Be still” (Mark 4:39). Jesus brings calm into the storm and peace into the violence, and he calls us to follow in His footsteps by speaking into the chaos, with power, love, self-control, and boldness

That is what Minnesota Family Council is all about. That’s what we’re here to do. There are other organizations fighting for the values we share, rooted in our faith, but few in our state that pursue a gospel-centered strategy with a Christ-empowered message as we seek to do.

I think a gospel-centered mission and truth-based message is vitally important in these troubling times, and MFC needs your continued support right now to keep pursuing it. If you agree, will you prayerfully considering giving now so we can continue our mission?

We are faced with a dangerous climate, full of fear, anger, and heavy-handed attempts at control. Paul told us how we should respond to such things. In his second letter to Timothy, he wrote, “for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” (2 Timothy 1:7). Perfect love drives out fear (1 John 4:18), and Spirit-empowered self-control is the key to restraining our tendency toward anger and violence. 

What’s more, that spirit of power, love and self-control should move us to action, as it did for Peter and John when they had been jailed for proclaiming the gospel (Acts 4). The next morning they were hauled before the Sanhedrin and ordered to stop speaking or teaching in the name of Jesus (sound familiar?). 

Despite being threatened with retaliation, Peter and John made no promises to stop, instead declaring that “we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard” in obedience to God (Acts 4:20). 

On being released they returned to their friends and a spirit-inspired prayer meeting broke out. Their prayer includes this key request:

“Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with all boldness (Acts 4:29, emphasis added).

Boldness is key. We respond to threats by speaking out with boldness. We face fear with courage, and anger with love and self-control. The spirit of power God has granted us should inspire such boldness. 

I am surrounded by bold co-laborers, and I am incredibly thankful for bold, faithful and resilient supporters like you whose generosity keeps us going in these lean times. 

I am appealing to that boldness now and asking you to help us continue in our gospel-centered mission to speak peace into chaos and shine the light of truth into our darkening culture. 

Your gift of $10, $25, $50, $100 or even more, as God leads, will help us carry on our important ministry in the midst of this global challenge. 

Thank you and God bless you!  

P.S. Registration for our 2021 Annual Dinner on June 3rd is now open! Our goal for this event is that you would be encouraged and inspired to continue shining the light of truth With All Boldness in every area of your life, despite the rising threats against people of faith and the principles we hold dear. Our keynote speaker is the amazing Governor Kim Reynolds of Iowa - hers is the kind of Christ-centered leadership we want to rebuild in Minnesota. This is going to be an evening to remember, and June 3rd will be here before you know it. So make sure to register today at mfc.org/AD2021!


For life, family, and religious freedom,

John Helmberger, CEO

Minnesota Family Council & Institute


Two Ways to Give

Support our grassroots policy and elections efforts through Minnesota Family Council (MFC). Support our education and legal efforts with a tax-deductible contribution to Minnesota Family Institute (MFI).


Contact Us

Minnesota Family Council & Institute

 [email protected]| 612-789-8811 | mfc.org

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