2021 isn’t even halfway over, but the anti-corruption movement is already making huge progress towards passing the 'For the People Act.' Here’s what we’ve accomplished. 40,726 petitions signed. 2,674 calls to congress. 10,161,392 People reached with educational content about the act. This is huge progress. But the fight is far from over. The path to victory: pass in the house, senate hearing, bill markup by Rules Committee, full Senate floor vote, President's signature. To reach victory, we have to make sure key Senators know their constituents support the 'For the People Act'. Join our phonebank this Tuesday, May 11th at 4pm ET / 1pm PT. We’re calling voters in West Virginia to educate them about the Act and patch them through to Sen. Manchin’s office.What’s next for the 'For the People Act?' Take the survey  With the bill heading into markup, we need to hear from you so we can make sure we’re fighting the hardest for the reforms you care most about. The secret’s out: Gerrymanderers are not adorable lizards. Play. Gerrymanderers are actually slimy politicians and highly-paid consultants that rig voting districts in their favor. 2.1 million people have already seen the video. Watch Now!Gerrymandering Threat Index. 188 million Americans are at risk of extreme gerrymandering. See if your state is at extreme risk of gerrymandering — and then text +1 (413) 225-5100 to find out how you can fight back. ICYMI: Catch up with the latest news from the anti-corruption movement.This is the Most Concerning Thing About the New Census Data.The Conservative Case for the 'For the People Act.'12 Megadonors Control Our Politics. One Bill Would Stop Them.Why is Gerrymandering So Bad? A State-By-State GuideThank you for being a part of this historic fight. RSVP here to join us on Saturday, May 22 at 4pm ET / 1pm PT.
