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Thursday, May 6th, 2021

The World’s Master Diabolitician Calls the Shots on the Extermination of Human Populations

His 40-Years of Diabolical Predictions Now Unfold as Globalist Aspirations. Bill Sardi

How the British Sold Globalism to America

Richard Poe

More Government Spying and Lying

Andrew P. Napolitano

To Promote Equality, California Proposes a Ban on Advanced Math Classes

Michael Shedlock

Explaining Minnesota’s Radical Political Nature

Paul Gottfried

Child Sacrifice

Bionic Mosquito

Barbarians Rampage Through Europe’s Cemetery

Dmitry Orlov

Reality Check

Steve Sailer

India’s ‘Covid Outbreak’ & the Need for Scientific Integrity – Not Sensationalism

Reality versus hysteria in latest fear fest. Colin Todhunter

Vaccine Passports Are Just a Way for the Regime To Expand Its Power

Ryan McMaken

Biden vs. Biden on ‘Is America a Racist Country?’

Patrick J. Buchanan

The Extreme Polarization in US Politics… and the Impact of Localism in Smaller Countries

Jeff Thomas

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