
Advancement Project National Office is turning 20 and we're throwing the movement party of the year to celebrate!
It's not a gala. It's a movement! Twenty years of grassroots campaigns, courtroom wins, local and national partnerships and impactful research is deserving of a true celebration and we want to see your face in the place Thursday, October 17 for Freedom Now! Freedom Forever! at Dock 5 @ Union Market in Washington, DC.

Join Advancement Project National Office attorneys, organizers, grassroots partners and influencers in racial justice, sports, culture, arts, and entertainment as we celebrate our 20th anniversary with great comfort food from Puddin', live go-go performance by L.I.T. Band, a Ben & Jerry's sundae bar featuring Advancement Project's flavor Justice ReMix'd, spinning by Carmen Spindiego, live art featuring an artist from our GoARTful collection, and opportunities to take action against threats to our voting rights, quality education, immigrant justice and legal system.
We're also thrilled to celebrate and honor our partners in the fight for racial justice:
- Jesse Williams actor, activist and Advancement Prjoect board member will accept the Lift Every Voice Award for his embodinent of the Advancement Project National Office movement approach. He takes a humble approach to make sure that the voices of impacted communities are centered, not just his.
V.O.T.E. (Voice of the Experienced) will accept the Turning the Tide Award in recognition of their vision and movement leadership to transform the criminal legal system and restore the rights of formerly incarcerated, with directly impacted people leading the way;
Puente Human Rights Movement will accept the Just Democracy Award in recognition of their bold and courageous organizing to end the criminalization of migrant communities, with indigenous Latinx people leading the way.
Concluding the night will be a BIG surprise you won't want to miss. You can still purchase your tickets to Freedom Now! Freedom Forever! We continue to accept sponsors, as well. Join our honorees and friends Thursday, October 17! Also, don't forget about our Movement Lawyering Conference at Howard University School of Law on Wednesday, October 16!

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