Hey, it’s Jackson — Susie Lee’s Finance Director. I’m emailing you with an urgent update on our race.
Now that we have a THIRD GOP opponent in this race, we had to run some new projections for our next election, and there’s some bad news: We have to raise more.
If we want to put up a real fight against ALL THREE Republican opponents, we need to ramp up the fundraising right now.
That’s why Susie is calling on this team to help her reach a $15,000 rapid response goal! Will you chip in $20 right now to help us build our momentum and turbo-charge this campaign?
The newest projections show that we’re going to have to boost our voter outreach, organizing, and advertising efforts by a MASSIVE amount.
And those things are really expensive for a campaign that relies solely on grassroots donations. (Don’t forget, National Republicans will easily pour MILLIONS into this race again!)
We can’t afford to hold back.
Help us get on track to defeat these GOP challengers by chipping in $20 (or more) today:
Thanks for taking action today,
Jackson Mariotti
Finance Director
Susie Lee for Congress