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Admiral John Aquilino, the United States Indo-Pacific Combatant Commander from April 30th, 2021, onward, now takes the legacies of Admiral Phil Davidson -to include carrying the PDI to maturation- and bears the great responsibility of doing his utmost to meet it -- as given to him by Admiral Nimitz.

“The way we’ll fight the next major war is going to look very different from the way we fought the last ones. We all need to drive toward a new vision of what it means to defend our nation. In this young century, we need to understand faster, decide faster, and act faster.” -- Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, addressing the distinguished audience at the USINDOPACOM Change of Command ceremony, on April 30th, 2021.

The United States Indo-Pacific Combatant Command remains the leading warfighter command in the United States military. It has to be. The United States President, the United States Secretary of Defense, and the United States Congress entrusted Admiral John Aquilino with this Command -- and the United States Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff did so through their actions in presiding over this event in person, with a distinguished audience.

During WWII, the Pacific Command proved to be the most consequential war-winning Command for the United States of America. While the Pacific Command was born to concentrate against one adversary, today’s Indo-Pacific Command has matured with the expanded responsibility to protect and defend America against the threats posed by the aggregation of three adversaries: China, Russia, and North Korea. The combined aggregated air, maritime, space, electromagnetic, and missile threats have grown exponentially. America must and will support and resource Admiral John Aquilino’s Command Vision and Mission.

Recognizing the Indo-Pacific Campaign’s exquisite designs and the absolute requirement for integrated missile defense capabilities arrayed across the massive theater of operations, MDAA remains an advocate for those designs and fielding of proven systems. We have the right missile defense capabilities within the joint and allied force. We must fully integrate those capabilities. The Indo-Pacific Campaign offers the catalyst for the right integrated architecture, and for those joint capabilities that can and must be fielded quickly. The requirements for missile defense within the Indo-Pacific remain the most urgent.

We were honored to be at the Indo-Pacific Command Change of Command.

Riki Ellison
Chairman and Founder
Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance

MDAA is a non-profit, non-partisan tax-exempt 501(c) (4) organization. Our mission is to make the world safer by advocating for the development and deployment of missile defense systems to defend the United States and its allies against missile threats. We are a membership-funded organization that does not advocate on behalf of any specific system, technology, architecture or entity. Founded in 2002, MDAA is the only organization in existence whose primary mission is to recruit, organize, and mobilize proponents to advocate for the critical need of missile defense. Visit our website for more information.
Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance
515 King Street, Suite 330
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 299-0060