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Dear Fellow Patriot,

I’ve watched these do-nothing RINOs in Washington whine and complain in hearings, on television, and to each other about Big Tech censorship. 

While they’ve been whining and complaining, more and more conservatives have been crushed by the jackboot of Big Tech, and banned from the digital public square for life.

That list includes President Trump, who today was officially banned for life by the Big Tech tyrants. 

I’ve heard enough whining and complaining from the RINOs.

It’s time to act, and I’m hoping you’ll chip into my election campaign right away to help me fix this mess in Washington

If we keep talking -- and doing nothing -- pretty soon we’ll all be banned, and the radical far-left will have total domination of the narrative. 

My RINO opponent certainly isn’t going to stop Facebook or Twitter from effectively ending your First Amendment rights. 

He hasn’t mentioned a word about it! 

He’s too busy voting to confirm Joe Biden’s America-hating nominees to ambassadorships. 

Big Tech censorship is one of the largest threats to our freedom ever faced, and with your generous support, I’m ready to go to Washington and punish the Communist Silicon Valley tyrants who are stripping Americans of their rights

If you’re looking for less talk and more action, I’m the person for the job… 

but I can’t do it without your help today

These powerful multi-billion dollar corporations and the men who run them think they are gods. 

They are stripping you of your God-given rights to free expression.

But they are false gods, and we do not answer to them… so why are the RINOs, who claim to be Christians, still putting up with their gross abuses of American conservatives? 

The answer is because they are weak, and because some of these companies donate to their campaigns. 

I can’t be bought, which is why I need your financial support

My grassroots efforts ensure that I am not beholden to Special Interests, Lobbyists, or D.C. Swamp creatures -- so I can work for YOU. 

A generous contribution of $10, $50, $100, $250, or whatever you can afford today will help send me to D.C. to hold the powerful accountable, and crush the Communist Silicon Valley tyrants before they take total control

Thank you in advance for standing up to Big Tech, and helping me take action against them. 

Jan Morgan Signature
Jan Morgan

Republican for United States Senate

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