
John, months after being banned from most social media platforms, Donald Trump has decided to launch his own platform.

We already know Trump plans on playing a huge role in the GOP’s efforts to take back the House and the Senate next year, and this new platform will give him an outlet to reach millions of his supporters once again.

Trump will be spewing more lies, vitriol, and nasty attacks towards Democratic candidates like Catherine Cortez Masto and Rapael Warnock. It’s so important that we’re ready to fight back.

Will you please make a donation to help defend our Democratic Senate majority from the misinformation and vicious attacks Trump will inevitably throw our way?

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According to Axios, Trump reportedly misses “being at the center of the political universe and may not be able to resist running again.”

This is worrying news for 2024, and if Republicans take back either the House or Senate next year, it could have a ripple effect on the next presidential race.

Trump is slowly crawling back into the public sphere just as Republicans ramp up their spending in key states like Ohio and Arizona. So here’s our request:

Please chip in $10 or any amount right now to help Democrats stop Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and the rest of the Republican Party:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you so much for powering our team with your grassroots support. We’ve accomplished so much because of supporters like you, John.

Defend the Senate