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Thousands of antisemitic incidents occurred in 2020...
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We urgently need your support to fight antisemitism and stop hate before it turns violent!
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Fight Antisemitism and Hate For Good
Dear John,
The past two years have been two of the worst for antisemitic incidents in the United States since ADL began tracking harassment, vandalism and assault in 1979.
Our newly released Audit of Antisemitic Incidents reveals that 2020 was one of the highest years on record, following an all-time high number of incidents in 2019. It’s clear that fighting antisemitism and hate in this country is an ongoing battle — and we urgently need your help!
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Will you please make a gift of $50, $75 or $100 today to Fight Hate For Good?
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Stop Antisemitism Now
John, your support truly makes a lifesaving difference! The 2020 Audit identified thousands of antisemitic incidents perpetrated against the Jewish community. We’ve seen before that antisemitic hatred doesn’t just lead to nonviolent incidents. It can escalate, resulting in the tragic loss of life. Tree of Life. Monsey. Jersey City. Poway.
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Your support helps us stop extremists before their bigotry turns deadly!
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Paul N. Miller, a white supremacist accelerationist arrested by the FBI on charges of being a convicted felon in possession of a firearm.
In March, the FBI arrested white supremacist Paul N. Miller, who had been tracked by ADL’s Center on Extremism since October. Miller was becoming increasingly radical online, in addition to harassing women and minorities at protests and rallies. Because of
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your generous support of ADL, this volatile convicted felon now faces the possibility of 10 years in prison.
Just one month earlier, backed by your support, the Center on Extremism provided information to help the FBI arrest two members of the neo-Nazi group Iron Youth — one who had just purchased a fully automatic machine gun and another who calls himself a “radical Jew slayer.”
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All three of these dangerous extremists are off the streets now... thanks to you!
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Stop Hate Now
John, your dedication to ADL supports not only the Center on Extremism but also ADL’s education programs and advocacy work. You help address antisemitism and hate in schools... train public officials to better respond to incidents... advocate for stronger hate crime legislation across the country... and more!
We cannot stop now. There is simply too much at stake.
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Please give generously again today!
Fighting Antisemitism and Hate, Together!
Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director
P.S. In 2020, ADL recorded 2,024 incidents of antisemitic harassment, vandalism or assault — including 331 incidents attributed to known extremist groups or individuals emboldened by extremist ideology. Help stop these aggressions before they threaten, or claim, lives.
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Fight Antisemitism and Hate Now!
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