Warren's book will inspire everyone!

Get Elizabeth Warren's new book now!

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It's here! Elizabeth Warren's new book Persist is available now. It's a must read, with behind-the-scenes 2020 presidential primary anecdotes and reflections.

Ordering your copy with this link does triple duty. You get an amazing book, you get a discount, and the PCCC gets a small percent to fight for voting rights and a bold economic agenda.

In her book, Warren credits PCCC co-founders Stephanie Taylor and Adam Green with informing her thinking about small-dollar donations, an ethos which became central to her 2020 presidential campaign strategy:

"Stephanie told me about the PCCC donors -- people who gave $3 to advance an issue or support a candidate. We talked about how many of these folks lived on modest budgets and needed that $3. But they made a political contribution because they cared about the future of this nation and they wanted their voices to be heard....

"From that first conversation with Stephanie and Adam, I thought about the responsibility of taking $3 contributions from people who wanted to make change. I assumed these people needed that money, and if I was going to ask them to give it to me, I needed to fight the most effective and tireless fight I possibly could."

(We always tell candidates how thankful we are for grassroots donors!)

Here is some reporting on other parts of Warren's book:

Washington Post: Warren also writes of her determination to go after former New York mayor Mike Bloomberg during the Democratic debates, a withering salvo that essentially ended Bloomberg’s candidacy.

NPR: Sen. Elizabeth Warren's new book "Persist" strengthens her call for transformational change, which gained popularity during her presidential campaign.

New York Times: Frank discussion of her gender -- and the obstacles it poses -- runs throughout the 304-page book. Though she never attributes sexism directly for her loss, she provides plenty of evidence that it remained a serious factor in the race.

Persist is both a deeply personal book and a powerful call to action. Elizabeth Warren -- one of our nation's most visionary leaders -- will inspire everyone to believe that if we're willing to fight for it, profound change is well within our reach.

Order your copy today with this link, get a discount, and support our work fighting for a bold progressive agenda at no extra cost to you!

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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