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Take action to celebrate May Day

Hi , 

Saturday was May Day—an historic day to celebrate workers and amp up the fight to win better protections for workers. We want to share some ways you can take action for workers: fighting against wage theft and expanding unemployment benefits. We also have some additional news below, including a know your rights resource for New Yorkers who can soon get driver's licenses reinstated if they were suspended for unpaid traffic tickets.

Join the Fight to Expand Unemployment 

We need to make sure that over 600,000 part-time workers in New York can get the benefits they deserve. Currently, New York’s unemployment insurance system disincentives' part-time workers from returning to work by withholding benefits even when these workers make meager earnings. To fix this, the legislature has passed a bill, S1042-A / A2355-A. Now we need to get Governor Cuomo to sign it into law.

Send Governor Cuomo a letter to urge him to sign this bill and get part-time workers the compensation they deserve. If passed, $208 million per month could go to workers doing their part to revitalize our economy.
Take Action to Stop Wage Theft  

Employers are stealing workers’ wages by not paying minimum wage, overtime, or sick time taken for COVID-19 recovery. That’s why NCLEJ is part of the Securing Wages Earned Against Theft (SWEAT) Coalition, which is pushing the SWEAT bill through to Governor Cuomo to make employers accountable to New York’s wage laws.

Support the fight by signing this SWEAT petition. The more signatures we receive, the better chance we have to get this crucial bill through the House to Governor Cuomo’s desk. Wage theft was a problem before COVID-19 and it’s only getting worse during the pandemic.

Image of a grocery worker. Every year one billion dollars is stolen from New York workers by employers. Take action at Pass the SWEAT bill to make sure employers pay workers the wages they've earned.
Good News! Unpaid Traffic Tickets No Longer Means Suspended Licenses 
Early this year, the Driver’s License Suspension Reform Act was passed thanks to the incredible work of the Driven by Justice Coalition which NCLEJ is so proud to be part of. This victory will bring relief and reinstate licenses for people with suspension due to unpaid traffic tickets. The graphic below offers the top takeaways about the new rules. And if you need more info on how you can regain your right to drive, regardless of economic circumstances, read a full rundown in this FAQ. 
Image of a male driver hugged by child in car. Victory! New York State passed the Driver's License Suspension Reform Act. Your License can't be suspended for unpaid traffic tickets. Suspended licenses will be reinstated as of June 29, 2021. You can end suspension by simply appearing in traffic court if your license was suspended for unanswered traffic summons or missed hearings. New Affordable payment plans will be available.

Reflections on Racial Justice 

The tragic loss of Black and brown lives at the hands of the police in the last months have spurred mourning and deep reflection among NCLEJ’s staff. As we embolden our existing efforts to dismantle racist policing in Buffalo, NY, and Montgomery, AL, we honor the life of Daunte Wright and call for an end to police violence. In understanding what real justice looks like, we honor the life of Daunte Wright and call for an end to police violence. In understanding what real justice looks like, we know that the recent verdict in the trial of Derek Chauvin for taking George Floyd’s life does not make this country safer for Black people. In this time of reckoning with racial justice, we are calling for a whole scale accountability and an end to the discriminatory economic exploitation of communities of color. 

Stay Tuned! 

Please be on the lookout for more news from us about our strategies to advance racial justice. Thank you for supporting NCLEJ. Make sure to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook to get our action updates daily. 

Dennis Parker
Executive Director
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