Indivisible SF Newsletter
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Indivisible SF
President Biden’s American Jobs Plan and American Families Plan are popular with a majority of Americans because they propose measures to address long-neglected improvements to U.S. infrastructure and improve quality of life for most of us. But Mitch McConnell has already announced that not a single Republican will vote for the American Jobs Plan, and it’s a safe bet that he’ll say the same about the American Families Plan. 
The administration proposes to pay for both with the Made In America Tax Plan, which will raise taxes on the wealthy while cutting them on the middle class and poor. The Made in America Tax Plan proposes to “fix the corporate tax code so that it incentivizes job creation and investment here in the United States, stops unfair and wasteful profit shifting to tax havens, and ensures that large corporations are paying their fair share.”  Here are some of its provisions:
  • Set the corporate tax rate at 28%
  • Discourage offshoring by strengthening the Global Minimum Tax (GMT) for multinational corporations based in America
  • Prevent U.S. corporations from inverting or claiming tax havens as their residence
  • Prevent companies from taking tax deductions for offshoring jobs and expensing credit for onshoring
  • Eliminate a loophole for intellectual property that encourages offshoring jobs and invest in effective R&D incentives
  • Enact a minimum tax on large corporations’ book income
  • Eliminate tax preferences for fossil fuels and make sure polluting industries pay for environmental clean up
There’s no point for our Members of Congress to weaken or water down these plans to make them more palatable to Republicans. Republicans aren’t going to support them no matter what, so why bother? Instead, Democrats should go big and bold – for example, by incorporating even more ideas from the THRIVE Agenda about infrastructure and economic justice to tackle the climate emergency. (Remember, Indivisible is one of the organizations that helped to create the THRIVE Agenda, so let’s get behind it!)

Contact your Members of Congress and tell them: support Biden’s plan and go even bigger and bolder! 

Your local right and duty: join the San Francisco Civil Grand Jury!

You have the right and power to investigate and improve your local government. One key way to do that is by joining your county’s Civil Grand Jury.

Every year, each of California’s 58 counties convenes a Civil Grand Jury made up of residents of that county. The members of the Jury collectively decide which aspects of local government to investigate. They then interview local government officials, read through documents and reports to reach a conclusion about how well that aspect of government is performing, publicize their results, and present them to the local government.

State law vests the Civil Grand Jury with significant power to affect local government. Just two years ago in San Francisco, the Civil Grand Jury issued a report on the neglected emergency firefighting infrastructure which would help prevent another catastrophe like the fires that ravaged San Francisco in 1906. In response, the City put Proposition B on the March 2020 ballot, where it passed, allocating money to improving that infrastructure.

If you live in San Francisco County, are a U.S. Citizen 18 years of age or older, and can devote 10 hours a week to the Civil Grand Jury, YOU can apply to participate. Applications are open until May 14 for the time period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.

If you’re not sure whether serving on the Civil Grand Jury is for you, you can learn more from our blog post!

Keep up the pressure: Save CCSF!

City College, one of the jewels of San Francisco’s public services, is facing yet another round of cuts, including class cancellations and teacher layoffs.The Board of Supervisors can prevent these cuts by expanding the City’s Workforce Education Recovery Fund to offset lost funding—but this requires the Board and the Mayor to take action. Which means your Supervisor and the Mayor need to hear from you.

The City College of San Francisco Faculty Union (AFT 2121) has published a call to action, which we’re uplifting in solidarity. And our supervisors are listening, so don’t let up!

Contact your Supervisor and Mayor Breed to ask them to expand the Workforce Education Recovery Fund (WERF) to prevent massive cuts to CCSF.
All are welcome to join our events! 

End Denials of Care National Event Webinar: Thursday, May 6, 5–6 PM. Every year since 2005, the annual Labor-HHS appropriations bill has included a rider called the Weldon Amendment that lets health care providers put their personal beliefs ahead of patient health and the standard of care. This creates more hurdles for people already facing the greatest barriers to accessing health care. Join the fight to eliminate the Weldon Amendment for good by attending this webinar hosted by NARAL, with special guests from the Bay Area and elsewhere. RSVP here. 

ISF State and Local Working Group meeting: Friday, May 7, 7:30–8:30 PM. Register here to help us plan to propose legislation to our state legislators and support progressive initiatives on the state and local level.

Bay Area May 8 Votercade (LOCATION CHANGED to 8000 S Coliseum Way): Saturday, May 8, 11:30AM–2:30 PM. Join members of several Indivisible chapters around the Bay Area, including Indivisible SF, as we mobilize in the name of John Lewis as part of 100+ events across the nation to pass the For the People Act (H.R. 1), the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (H.R. 4), D.C. Statehood and address the filibuster to do so. This COVID-safe car caravan will kick off at noon. Come early to get in line and decorate your vehicle! We’ll wrap up with a celebration tailgate from 1 to 2:30 PM. All three events are at The Malibu Lot at 8000 S Coliseum Way in Oakland. For more details, see

ISF Federal Working Group meeting: Thursday, May 13, 7–9 PM. Register here to help us develop strategies to influence our Members of Congress and the Biden administration to enact a progressive agenda. Zoom room opens at 7 PM for discussion and orientation, and the meeting agenda starts promptly at 7:30 PM. 

Indivisible Marin & Common Cause For the People Phone Bank for HR1/S1: Saturday, May 8 and May 15, 10 AM–12 noon. Phone bank with Indivisible Marin every Saturday to support the For the People Act and oppose the filibuster! Sign up for a shift here.

About this week’s photo

If you’ve seen our newsletter posts on Twitter and Facebook, you might have noticed that we include a photo or graphic with each issue.

This week’s graphic comes from the national American Federation of Teachers, in their own promotion on Twitter of President Biden’s “Build Back Better” plan.

Keep Fighting,

The Indivisible SF Team
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  1. Download from the Android or iOS app store

  2. Open the app and tap 'create new account' to sign up

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