Comparing Performance of Universal Health Care Countries, 2019 finds that despite spending more on health care than most other developed countries with universal coverage, Canada has a relatively short supply of doctors and hospital beds—and the longest wait times.
Secondary school class sizes and student performance in Canada, which compares provincial class sizes and test scores from the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), finds that Saskatchewan had the smallest average secondary school class size (22.6 students) among all 10 provinces but the lowest test scores in all three PISA subjects—reading, math and science. And Ontario had the smallest class size (24.8 students) and lowest test scores among the four largest provinces.
Candidates ignore federal budget on campaign trail (Appeared in the Ottawa Sun)by Tegan Hill and Jake Fuss In 2018, federal government spending (per-person inflation-adjusted) reached its highest point in Canadian history.
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