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Register Now: Strategies to Address the Intersection of the Opioid Crisis and Homelessness

About the Trainers:

Stephanie Savard, LICSW, serves as the Director of the New Hampshire Coalition to End Homelessness, a non-profit that provides advocacy, research and training focused on homelessness in the state of New Hampshire. Stephanie brings over 25 years of experience in working with homelessness, trauma, and substance use disorders to raise awareness of homelessness across the state, disseminate research on best practices and solutions and empower all communities to advocate for an end to homelessness. In addition, Stephanie is the Chief External Relations Officer of Families in Transition, having worked with the organization most recently as the Chief Operating Officer and as an Interim Executive Leader.

Meghan Shea, LICSW MCADC is the Chief Programs Officer of Families in Transition. Meghan is a New Hampshire Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker and a Master Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counselor. With her Master’s and dual licensure, Meghan Shea specializes in program development, program operations and direct clinical work in behavioral health, homelessness, trauma and substance use disorders.

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