On this weeks Refuse Fascism podcast, Sam Goldman speaks with Brynn Tannehill, author of American Fascism: How the GOP is Subverting Democracy, about the on the Republican Party's tsunami of the anti-trans legislation sweeping this nation and its connection to the overall fascist movement.
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Brynn Tannehill: The Republi-fascist Tsunami of Anti-Trans Laws
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Brynn Tannehill: "The Trumpist movement is undoubtedly fascist. This is the only
conclusion of how to describe what this movement is, that it goes beyond
simple right wing populism. The end stage goal is they want as few
trans people as possible. One of the overwhelming characteristics of
fascism is also a disdain for and hatred of human rights. Trans people
are a convenient enemy for a fascist movement because it fits within
prototypical fascism. 'We’re going to storm the Capitol and kill Mike
Pence to get the kind of government that we want.' Their ideal number of
trans people is zero. We can’t think that yes, we’ve won. No, this is
an operational pause for the right."

Sam Goldman: The escalation and intensification of these horrific attacks on our
transgender siblings by Republican fascists is just that a, fascist
campaign, as Brynn has said. A horrific campaign that is not only
harmful to the most vulnerable — we’re talking about children being
targeted — is extremely harmful to transgender people, but also to
society more broadly. And we’ve said before that what we allow, not only
do we condone, but it’s who we become. And we cannot become people that
allow these monstrosities. It’s on us, all of us, to expose them and
denounce them in the strongest most vociferous terms.
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