This weekend the Washington Post reported that Democrats in Congress and the White House were sending alarming signals that they are "open to concessions" on President Biden's $4.1 trillion combined jobs plans.

Today, Mitch McConnell showed his hand. The Hill reports "McConnell says every GOP senator will vote against Biden's infrastructure plan."

Watering down Biden's extremely popular jobs plans to try to win over McConnell and Republican votes would be a terrible move that could have disastrous consequences in 2022.

JOIN THOUSANDS WHO'VE SIGNED ON: "Democrats, stand strong on taxing the rich and investing trillions of dollars in clean-energy and infrastructure jobs. If anything, go bigger -- don't water down urgent priorities."

The more grassroots support Dems see for boldness here, the more confident they'll be standing firm -- and hopefully pushing to expand the plans even further.

MSNBC reports that multiple recent polls show "nearly 7 in 10 Americans are on board" with President Biden's two jobs plans.

And get this -- support increases when voters are told the plans will be paid for by higher taxes on big corporations and the very rich.

Senate Dems need to hear this loud and clear: Bipartisanship means that Republican and Democratic voters agree -- not politicians in Washington DC.

The polling is clear. Americans are on board -- even Republican voters. What remains is for senators to get out of the way and pass the plan that will create millions of good-paying jobs, make massive investments in clean energy, and make huge steps toward addressing racial inequities.

SIGN ON: "Democrats, stand strong on taxing the rich and investing trillions of dollars in clean-energy and infrastructure jobs. If anything, go bigger -- don't water down urgent priorities."

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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