
​​​​​​I’m officially entering the race for Ohio’s battleground Senate seat. I’m about to ask you to split a donation between my campaign and Seth Moulton’s, but first let’s talk about why I knew I had to run:

Everyday folks used to have a promise they could count on.

If you worked hard, you’d be able to keep a roof over your head, put food on the table, and provide a better future for your children and their children too.

Well, American workers kept up their end of the bargain. They’ve been working longer and harder than ever before, but they just can’t get ahead.

Somewhere along the line, our country lost sight of how to make things work for everyone. We ended up with an economy and a political system that only works for the wealthy few—while the working class folks who dug the deepest and sent our nation soaring were left behind.

It’s time to hit the reset button in Washington and cut workers in on the deal. I've been working hard with Seth Moulton to get it done in Congress—if you’re with us, will you split a donation between our campaigns?


I was born and raised in a blue collar union family in Northeast Ohio.

I grew up hearing stories about how my grandfather would walk to the steel mill every day to look for work during the Depression, and I’ve watched my family members and neighbors have their jobs shipped overseas.

I’ve seen firsthand how our communities have been left behind as the American Dream gets further and further out of reach. That’s why I’ve spent my career in Congress fighting to ensure that everyone can have a good-paying job, quality health care they can afford, and the security of knowing they can retire with dignity.

I’m running to be Ohio’s next senator because I will fight like hell to cut workers in on the deal.

Change is coming -- and we’re gonna do it together. Split a donation of $5, $10, $15 $25—whatever you can—to help me and Seth Moulton ensure workers and families get the fair shot they deserve!

I'm in!

I’m so proud to have you in my corner.

Let’s do this,

Tim Ryan