Little Red Schoolhouse Presents:

Summer 2021 Youth Marxist School

Dear John,

We are happy to announce that we're hosting a national summer school!

The Little Red Schoolhouse will be in session from July 21st-August 1st in New York City. If you're under 35 and interested in attending, click here!

At the week-long school, attendees will receive an introduction to the ideological contributions of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, V.I. Lenin, Gus Hall, Henry Winston, Claudia Jones, and so forth. 

We will also take up the art of working-class organizing.

The purpose of this school is to update our analysis of the youth question and assist the process of rebuilding the communist current in the youth and students movement  along with refounding a national youth organization.

And don't forget, we're also going to have loads of fun! Movies, walking tours, getting to know one another, etc.

If you or anyone else you know are interested in attending, please contact [email protected] ASAP. Again, potential students can click here.


Rossana Cambron

Joe Sims

Communist Party USA
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011
(Visits by appointment only)
Tel : 212-989-4994
Fax :212-229-1713
Email : [email protected]

Copyright © 2019 Communist Party USA. All rights are reserved.

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Editing:CPUSA Youth School July 2021 Editing:CPUSA Youth School July 2021  

Editing:CPUSA Youth School July 2021 Editing:CPUSA Youth School July 2021  

Editing:CPUSA Youth School July 2021 Editing:CPUSA Youth School July 2021  
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