We’ll get right to the point, John: We came just short of our April fundraising goal and we need to make it up ASAP.

Many of you have already heard the reasons it is important to donate now, so if you’re ready to chip in now, please make a contribution below to your personal link:

Here is why we are nervous about falling short of our goal:

  • Nancy Pelosi and her socialist allies are already spending hundreds of thousands of dollars attacking Beth with TV ads in our district.

  • We are on the cusp of flipping the House and Pelosi will do anything she can to hold onto power, including spending $15 million AGAIN trying to defeat Beth.

  • Beth is one of NINE Republicans to win a district that Biden also won, and she did it by winning by only 1.5%.

We cannot FLIP THE HOUSE if we do not hold onto TX-24 next year. Falling behind on our fundraising goal does not help this prospect either!

Can you step up in the next 60 MINUTES to help us fulfill our fundraising goal from last month so we can exceed our May goal?

If you are able we have created your own personalized link so Beth knows you stepped up to help:

Only with your support will we FIRE PELOSI!

Team Van Duyne
Paid for by Beth Van Duyne for Congress