
America is as strong as the foundation we build for our children. That’s why our new Democratic Senate majority immediately got to work on a plan to drastically reduce child poverty and provide the support that every family deserves.

When President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan into law, it included an expanded Child Tax Credit that will cut the child poverty rate this year in half.

This July, families will begin receiving monthly payments totaling up to $3,000 this year for every child over the age of 5, and $3,600 for the very youngest. When families struggle to keep up with the costs of childcare, healthcare, housing — much less have enough saved for emergencies — this support will be a lifeline out of poverty.

And we know the effects that child poverty has: worse health and education outcomes, entrapping more of our kids in our broken criminal justice system, and preventing children suffering in poverty from reaching their full potential.

Family advocates and activists have had these kids’ backs when few others did. Now, Congress must act to ensure that we don’t let this historic, but temporary, lifeline expire after just one year. With the expansion of the Child Tax Credit through 2025, the American Families Plan is a step toward ending the crisis of child poverty once and for all, but I need your voice if we are going to get this bill passed.

If you agree we need to keep the expanded Child Tax Credit, add your name as a citizen co-sponsor of the American Families Plan. It’s time our government builds a strong foundation for all of America’s children.


Thanks for adding your voice as a champion for our children.

— Cory