Greetings Ward 8 Residents,
Throughout the four years I have been the Ward 8 Councilmember, we have hosted several annual events to support the needs of Ward 8 residents.
To make these events possible, we rely on the charitable contributions from sponsors that graciously provide monetary and in-kind donations. During the peak of the public health emergency, we had sponsors that turned out in record numbers to not only ensure we had funds to purchase Thanksgiving turkeys and toys for the holidays, but also to ensure that all residents had hot meals and PPE throughout last summer.
Additionally, we could not host these events without the physical support from our volunteers that came out during the pandemic to help distribute these donations.
At this time, we are calling on our volunteers and sponsors to join us for a zoom Appreciation Reception so that we can have the opportunity to thank you for your continued support and dedication.
We invite the community-at-large to join, watch and support these groups and organizations by tuning in on May 20th at 6:30 pm.

Trayon White, Sr.