DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT for farm animals!
Dear John,
She was found with the number “95” painted on her side—along with a red line on her back, likely marking her for death.
But the sheep we now call Elli had other plans. Last year, she escaped her confines and ran for her life—going “on the lam” for the next 10 days. Now safe at Farm Sanctuary, Elli doesn’t have to run anymore.
Elli’s previous trauma made her fearful of people. In time, however, she found security in her flock and learned that humans will never harm her again. Here, in her new life in Sanctuary, this plucky sheep is safe, loved, and valued as someone, not something—and she knows it.
Elli would not be here with us today without compassionate friends like you. Nor would the nearly 1,000 other rescued farm animals who live at our two shelters. In fact, Farm Sanctuary would not exist without you!
That’s why Farm Sanctuary is launching our 2021 Membership Month Challenge today and asking friends like you to take the next step in your commitment to helping farm animals.
This year, we’ve set a Membership Month goal of raising $50,000 by May 30th. And to get us off to a strong start, a dear friend has offered to MATCH every gift made today up to $15,000!
Will you help kick off our campaign, John? Join Farm Sanctuary with a special Membership Month gift right now and DOUBLE your impact today for our Sanctuary residents and ALL farm animals!
When you become a member, you will receive great benefits including a free subscription to our member magazine, opportunities to take action and speak out for farm animals, updates on urgent rescues, and more. Best of all, you will get the good feeling of knowing you are forever changing the lives of animals like Elli through the power of Sanctuary.
Farm Sanctuary began our rescue work 35 years ago by freeing another special sheep, Hilda, from a “dead pile” at a stockyard. In the years since, friends like you have helped us rescue and shelter thousands of animals like her.
By sharing their stories of survival, healing, and hope, you are helping us open people’s hearts and minds to farm animals as sentient, intelligent individuals with their own needs, desires, and personalities. Your support also helps us share this compassionate messaging through humane education—thereby nurturing a new generation of compassion.
You have also made Farm Sanctuary a national leader in farm animal protection. Our advocacy work has led to major victories that have improved the lives of millions of farm animals across the country.
Farm animals have no better friends than Farm Sanctuary and caring people like you! And you can help more animals like Elli find the peace and freedom of Sanctuary by joining Farm Sanctuary with a generous Membership Month contribution today—and have it MATCHED, dollar-for-dollar.
Membership Month is an opportunity for the Farm Sanctuary family to help more farm animals in crisis, to grow our community of compassion, and to speak out for animals in need everywhere!
But reaching our $50,000 goal by May 30th won’t be easy. That’s why it’s so important for us to get off to a strong start!
Will you help us show more animals like Elli how caring humans can be?
Please join Farm Sanctuary today to help farm animals in need. Every $1 you give today will become $2 for the farm animals you love!
Thank you, in advance, for your support—and for all you are doing to help us create a world in which we meet cruelty with kindness and replace exploitation with Sanctuary.
Yours for farm animals,
Megan Watkins
Chief Executive Officer
P.S. In addition to joining Farm Sanctuary today to have your Membership Month Challenge gift DOUBLED, you can also be our first line of protection for farm animals like Elli. If you see a farm animal in need of rescue or believe farm animal cruelty is occurring in your community, please contact us immediately at (607) 583-2225 ext. 223. Your call could save an animal’s life!
This generous matching gift opportunity is provided by Debbie of Mokulele Farms, in loving memory of Paul and all of the birds.
Farm Sanctuary
PO Box 150, Watkins Glen, NY 14891
Farm Sanctuary's financial report and state registration information.