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Dear NCRC members and allies,

Today I'm announcing that I will retire from NCRC August 1. Here's more about that
I'll share more in a speech at the Just Economy Conference today at 3 pm ET. I hope you can be there. Login or register here to attend.
I've been at this for 30 years, NCRC has grown and succeeded beyond my wildest dreams, and it's going to be in great hands with a fantastic board, staff and Jesse Van Tol as CEO.
Obviously this is a big deal for me personally, but I'm ready for it, and so is NCRC. I'll still be involved as an advisor to the board, Jesse and some of our programs. But I'm also going to have more time to spend with family and friends, and for travel, which I love.
I'll be busy as usual until August, so this isn't the last you'll hear from me. 

But this is also a nice excuse for me to remind and invite you to join, support and get involved with NCRC. Our work for a just economy is far from over, it will still be my life's work, and I'm grateful you're interested and part of it. This week NCRC launched the Just Economy Pledge, a simple statement and set of principles for the nation we want, which is different from the one we inherited. I hope you'll sign the pledge and then urge everyone you know to commit to it - and mean it.
I also hope you'll become a member, and also urge anyone you know who isn't a member to join and support us. Our strength comes from our members, and we know leaders pay attention to NCRC because our members across the nation are essential in their communities. Membership is available for nonprofit, government and educational organizations, and also for individuals regardless of where you work. 
Like I said, I'm not done, NCRC isn't done, and I'm excited about what comes next. Let's all keep pressing ahead for a Just Economy.
I can't express in words what an honor it has been to work for NCRC, its board and members with such a dedicated, talented staff.
In gratitude,
John Taylor
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