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Tuesday, May 4th, 2021

Will Special Interests Finally Allow America’s ‘Longest War’ To End?

Ron Paul, MD

A Pandemic of Fear

Steve Berger

Vaccinated People Shedding and Spreading Genetic Disaster to Unvaccinated Women?

Jon Rappoport

The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État, and the ‘Great Reset’

Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Forced Masking

A schoolteacher on evil.

A Vaxxing Question

Suzie Halewood

Why This Frenchman Regrets Buying an Electric Car

Robert W. Felix

Highly Cited Covid Doctor Comes to Stunning Conclusion: Gov’t ‘Scrubbing Unprecedented Numbers’ of Injection-Related Deaths

Leo Hohmann

The Camp of The Saints Is Upon Us

Paul Craig Roberts

Biden Family Justice

James Howard Kunstler

A Software Company Comes Up With a Brilliant Corporate Speech Policy

Andrea Widburg

CDC Officially Recommends Covid Jab for Pregnant Women

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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