This week at CBPP, we focused on state budgets and taxes, health, the federal budget, and the economy.
* On state budgets and taxes, Michael Leachman and Samantha Waxman recommended ([link removed]) that states adopt a tax on high-value housing, often called a mansion tax, to help fund services and infrastructure critical to residents’ long-term future.
* On health, we updated ([link removed]) our timeline tracking the Trump Administration’s efforts to undermine the Affordable Care Act.
* On the federal budget, Richard Kogan updated ([link removed]) a report on a Senate appropriations bill that would shortchange human services programs despite room for increases in the recent budget deal.
* On the economy, we updated our chart book ([link removed]) on the post-Great Recession economy and our backgrounder ([link removed]) on how many weeks of unemployment compensation are available.
Chart of the Week – 39 States Plus D.C. Have Real Estate Transfer Taxes or Statewide Property Taxes ([link removed])
A variety of news outlets featured CBPP’s work and experts this week. Here are some of the highlights:
The next 16 months will define Puerto Rico’s future. Is Gov. Wanda Vazquez ready? ([link removed])
NBC News
October 3, 2019
Looming Trump Medicare Order Sparks Fear of Program Cuts in 2021 ([link removed])
Bloomberg Law
October 3, 2019
Trump Administration Proposes Yet Another Food Benefit Cut ([link removed])
October 1, 2019
70% of college students graduate with debt. How did we get here? ([link removed])
September 30, 2019
Don’t miss any of our posts, papers, or charts - follow us on Twitter ([link removed]) , Facebook ([link removed]) , and Instagram ([link removed]) .
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