
I wanted to share some fantastic news. We hit our April online fundraising goal!

Here’s why that’s so important:

Recently, Michigan Republicans introduced dozens of bills to make voting harder in Michigan.

They saw what happens when Democrats turn out as we did in 2020: we win and then we get things done for working families.

Instead of building a better Republican Party to actually help people, they want to dismantle our democracy so we can’t hold them accountable.

Hitting our goal in April is another sign that you're not about to let them do it.

We've accomplished so much together because you've stood with me through the years -- I'm grateful to know that you're ready to protect all of our progress.

In Gratitude,


Debbie Stabenow
United States Senator





Paid for by Stabenow for U.S. Senate

Contributions or gifts to Stabenow for U.S. Senate are not tax deductible.
Stabenow for U.S. Senate
P.O. Box 4945
Lansing, MI 48826
United States


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