From 🔴 POLL: Bernie Sanders Approval [MFA] <[email protected]>
Subject Poll ID #575808
Date May 3, 2021 9:05 PM
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Exclusive Invitation for MFA Members: Click to begin your Bernie Sanders Approval Poll → [link removed]

Bernie Sanders is a Progressive HERO!

He's fighting relentlessly for bold policies like the Green New Deal, H.R. 1, and Medicare For All! We think he's absolutely amazing.

But as of 05/03/2021, our records from D.C. are severely outdated. We have no idea if active voters like you agree!

So we're inviting a small handful of active Progressives to share what they think of Bernie Sanders.

[Your poll ID is #575808] Please complete your Bernie Sanders Approval Poll within 15 minutes of opening this invitation → [link removed]

Do you approve of Bernie Sanders?

YES ➡︎ [link removed]
NO ➡︎ [link removed]
UNSURE ➡︎ [link removed]

You're only 1 of [25] voters from D.C. invited to participate in this poll, so don't let us down!

-Team MFA

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Thank you for supporting Medicare For All. Grassroots supporters like you help us elect more Progressives to Congress who will pass Medicare For All.

Emails are a crucial way to stay in touch with our top supporters. If we're going to take on the anti-Medicare For All Republican agenda, we need you with us every step of the way.

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From all of us at Medicare For All, we thank you for all your support!

Paid for by Medicare For All. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. [link removed]

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