BREAKING: President Biden announced his economic recovery package, and it includes a national paid family and medical leave program.
Pres. Biden’s new policy proposal, called the American Families Plan, will rebuild our economy and support families to be better and stronger than before. In addition to paid leave, it includes universal quality-preschool, two years of paid community college to all Americans (including DREAMers), expands critical nutrition assistance and extends key tax cuts that benefit lower and middle income workers -- key policies to help struggling families.
Right now, Congress has the chance to make sure that nobody in the U.S. has to choose between taking care of their health or their family, and keeping their paycheck. But it will take all of us speaking out loudly to make it happen. Too often, good policies end up on the congressional cutting room floor as a part of compromises and deals. Tell Congress that cannot happen with paid family and sick leave -- paid leave must stay in the bill.
Sign the petition: Congressional leaders: Pass the American Families Plan including a comprehensive, permanent paid family and medical leave policy.
The COVID-19 pandemic shone a light on the issue, but the caregiving crisis is not new.
Today, more than 100 million working people lack even a single day of paid family or sick leave. It’s worse for people of color than their white counterparts. Black and Latino workers are less likely than white workers to hold jobs with benefits like health insurance, retirement, and paid time off.
To build back better after COVID, we must invest in our country’s most important infrastructure: families.
Comprehensive paid family and medical leave will improve the lives of every working person in the U.S.-- from new parents and those caring for elderly relatives to those recuperating from surgery or illness. As a country, we can’t afford to miss this opportunity.
Tell Congress to pass a bold, permanent paid family and sick leave policy as part of the American Families Plan.
Your voice matters. Even before the pandemic, 75% of all people in the US supported comprehensive paid family and medical leave. And businesses small and large are also coming forward to voice their support for a national paid leave program, too. If we make it clear to our elected officials that their constituents are watching and following their stance on paid leave, they will have to make it a priority.
It’s time for Congress to FINALLY take this step for families.
Thank you for taking action --we will keep you updated as this bill moves through Congress!
— Tre
Tre Graves
Campaign Organizer
Democracy for America