From Justin Jones, Finance Director <[email protected]>
Subject Our 30-day campaign plan
Date October 5, 2019 1:15 PM
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Help us reach our $20,000 goal >> [link removed]


We have EXACTLY one month to take back the General Assembly. To make sure we win, our team has written up a robust campaign plan for our last 30 days. But we won't be able to fully fund it without help from our grassroots network, which is why I have to ask:

Friend, we need to raise $20,000 in the next 48 hours. Will you pitch in to help us reach our goal?

>>>[link removed]

We only need to flip FOUR seats to win both chambers of the General Assembly and give Democrats trifecta control for the first time in 26 years. And to do it, we're pulling out all the stops. Reaching out to voters across the state, driving up turnout, and making sure ALL Virginians know how Republicans have failed our Commonwealth.

To keep our efforts going at full strength through Election Day, we need your help. Donate now to help us reach our $20,000 goal and make sure we'll have the resources to execute our October campaign plan.

>>>[link removed]

Thank you,
Justin Jones

DONATE: [link removed]


Paid for by the Democratic Party of Virginia, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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