It’s bad enough that the GOP needs three candidates running against her more than a year out from the midterms. But, get this, their most recent candidate is brand new to the state and is already running for Congress!
The fact of the matter is that Susie understands what matters most to folks in NV-03. The GOP thinks they can get away with importing candidates for their own political gain, but Nevadans see right through the charade.
Can you give $10 right now to help us defend this seat from the GOP’s many pawns in the upcoming election?
Susie takes pride in getting to know her constituents' names and their stories. She always says that what keeps her fighting is knowing that back home, she’s making positive change for families in our district.
How can we expect someone to fight for Nevadans in Congress who is only moving to Nevada to play politics? Well, to put it simply: we can’t.
We need your help fending off the candidates that the GOP is shipping in to defeat Susie. Chip in $10 or $20 right now to help us build our defense against Susie’s Republican opponents:
It’s unfortunate that we now need to defend Susie from Republicans who are looking to make a game out of serving thousands of Nevadans. But we know that you’ll help us keep this seat blue no matter what it takes.
Thanks for your support,
- Team Susie Lee