Hi John,
D.C. deserves statehood, full stop.
A Republican Senator from Maine made some waves this weekend by suggesting that maybe Washington D.C. should just join Maryland.
To that we have one word: No.
We at the Maine Dems believe that the people of D.C. deserve the representation, equality, and citizenship afforded to residents of the 50 states. That’s why Maine’s Democratic State Committee voted in March to support D.C. statehood.
Make a gift to the Maine Dems today to make sure we can elect Democrats up and down the ticket who support the people of Washington, D.C. [ [link removed] ]
The Reconstruction era denial of D.C. statehood was rooted in racism. Over the years, it has been upheld by racism and partisanship. Today, it denies a population that is 46% Black full membership in our democracy. This racial and democratic injustice must end. No one in the United States should have taxation without representation. The population of the District of Columbia is 712,000, comparable to the populations of Alaska, North Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming. These 712,000 citizens carry their full democratic weight: they serve on federal juries, they have fought for our country in every war since the American Revolution, and they pay more in federal taxes than residents in 44% of states. The suggestion that they should just “become part of Maryland” is ludicrous.
We join the chorus of voices across the country saying, "Give D.C. statehood now!"
If you’re with us on this, please consider making a gift of $20.22, or whatever feels right, to help us elect Democrats who will fight for what is right. [ [link removed] ]
Thank you,
Team Maine Dems
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Paid for by Maine Democratic Party. Not Authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
Maine Democratic Party
PO Box 5258
Augusta, ME 04330
United States
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