August 30 – September 2, 2021 • Orlando, FL

Dear John,

The last year has been one of disruption and unrest. The resilience of the Network has led to reforms that expanded healthcare access, gave families much-needed education options, and preserved local economies and jobs. You achieved this all while adjusting to new work environments, constraints, and ways of collaborating. 

I’m looking forward to coming together in person at State Policy Network's 29th Annual Meeting to share what we have learned and celebrate the Network’s success. I hope I will see you at the JW Marriott, Grande Lakes in Orlando, FL, on August 30 – September 2, 2021.

Registration is now open. Simply click the button below to begin. 
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The world we are living in today is, in many ways, profoundly different than it was a year ago—economically, socially, politically, culturally. And those changes are not going away. The sessions at this year's Annual Meeting will equip us to keep leaning into this disruption and be relentless in our pursuit of state and local policy solutions that allow every American to thrive.

In particular, nationally acclaimed innovator and disruptor Hamish Brewer will share the principles he used to overcome diverse problems within the education system and show us how they can be applied to any policy opportunity or professional challenge.

SPN’s Annual Meeting is a special time, especially this year: It is our opportunity to reconnect as a Network, to cultivate relationships, to be inspired and energized, and to strategize with brilliant minds across the freedom movement and beyond. Together, we can go further and faster.

I look forward to seeing you in person in August!


President and CEO, State Policy Network
Copyright © 2021 State Policy Network, All rights reserved.

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