Fellow Utahns,

The future of the Utah Republican Party is bright. We thank Derek Brown, Rob Axson, and Kendra Seeley for their service to the party and we pledge to build upon their strong foundation.

We take seriously the trust that delegates have placed in us to move the party forward. We will keep Utah red, engage the next generation, strengthen the caucus system, support our candidates, stand by our conservative principles, promote free-thinking in our party, and unify our party around its platform.

We are all millennials, yet we have learned from generations of Republicans before us and we know that our principles are both timeless and true.

We look forward to working with elected Republican leaders, party members, and delegates over the next two years. Hand in hand we will make sure Utah remains a prosperous place for those who want to live, work, and play here.

Carson Jorgensen, Chair
Jordan Hess, Vice Chair
Olivia Horlacher, Secretary
Mike Bird, Treasurer
15 W. South Temple
Ste 250, SLC 84101
(801) 533-9777