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Monday, May 3rd, 2021

The Missing Piece of the Covid-19 Death Puzzle: Co-Infection

Oh, So You Thought If You Got Vaccinated You Would Avert Death By Virus? Maybe Not. Bill Sardi with Matthew Sardi

Who’s Lysenko-ing Now?

Karen Kwiatkowski

Cradle-to-Grave Stimmy: How We Got Here

David Stockman

Cancel Culture Comes Home: Walter Duranty and the New York Times

Ira Katz

A Lesson from History: Transgender Mania is a Sign of Cultural Collapse

Camille Paglia. YouTube

Police Shootings vs. Medically Caused Death; How the News Shapes Public Perception And Controls Minds

Jon Rappoport

Can Colleges and Employers Legally Require You To Get Vaccinated?

Megan Redshaw

Anti-War Group Releases Activist Guide To End Militarized Policing in US

Jenna McGuire

What Do Confederate Monuments and German Composer Richard Strauss Have in Common?

They Defy the Revolution. Boyd D. Cathey

Gold Is Laughing at Powell

Matthew Piepenburg

Unsportsmanlike Conduct

Taki Theodoracopulos

Food as Medicine — The Answer to Mounting Health Crises

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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