**Content warning: This email discusses domestic violence and may not be suitable for everyone. Please use discretion.**
MAJOR: Ilhan Omar is calling on Congress to PASS the Violence Against Women Act NOW!! →
'The house passed the Violence Against Women Act and now it's heading to the Senate. It is absolutely critical that this legislation becomes law!'
Yes!! Ilhan Omar is SO RIGHT. Now more than EVER women need the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) to be PASSED by the Senate. But we know Republicans will fight us every step of the way.
So we're building a GROUNDSWELL of support to ensure the VAWA makes it through the Senate. Can you SIGN NOW as a Citizen Co‑Sponsor from D.C.?? >>
We're OVERJOYED at the renewal of Violence Against Women Act (or VAWA), a bill that defends and protects victims of domestic and intimate partner abuse and sexual assault.
But look -- the statistics are grim. Rates of domestic and intimate partner violence against women have skyrocketed during the COVID‑19 pandemic.
1 in 3 white women have reported experiencing domestic abuse during the pandemic.
But rates of reported abuse for women marginalized by race, sexuality, and gender identity have increased by almost 50% during the pandemic.
It has never been more important to pass the Violence Against Women Act!
AND NOW, it faces FIERCE opposition from the GOP.
172 Republicans in the House voted against renewing VAWA, and with our narrow majority in the Senate, we cannot afford to take any chances.
SO we're asking for 25,000 D.C. Progressives to citizen co‑sponsor this CRUCIAL Act before 10 PM. We need a HUGE push to get the VAWA across the finish line. Can you sign your name now??
This is so IMPORTANT,
Team MFA
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