Hi team,
Before we get into it, let me thank you so much for supporting our campaign. It’s because of supporters like you that we were able to hit our critical end-of-month goal for April.
But, just when we were about to take a moment to celebrate, we got news that a third Republican has filed to run against me. We cannot let this go unanswered.
To run our rapid response against this news, my team determined that we need to raise $15,000 by tomorrow at midnight. I know this is an ambitious goal, but with your help we can make it happen. Can you chip in $20?
It’s critical that we raise the $15,000 that our rapid response team needs. We can’t forget the fact that these Republican candidates will have millions of corporate and super PAC money funneled into their campaigns to try to unseat me.
Even though my Republican opponents might have corporate and super PAC money, I know I can rely on you. I need your help to kick our rapid response program into high gear right now.
One candidate was expected, two was worrisome, but three means that it’s time to have all hands on deck. Can you give $20 or $15 right now to help raise $15,000 for our rapid response?
No matter how many candidates the Republican Party wants to run against me, I won’t let it deter me from serving hard-working folks in NV-03.
Thanks so much for helping my campaign out.
With gratitude,
Susie Lee