Well, we did it, we got through the 2021 Florida Legislative Session. Like many around the state, I am disappointed at how many bills the Republican majority rammed through - bills that are even out of touch with their own constituents. Bills like the anti-protest bill, or the voter suppression legislation and yes, even raising taxes on Floridians by $1 billion. That's billion with a B!
Despite the bad legislation, and being in the Democratic minority, I am proud to say that by any measure I was one of the most effective members. In my first session, I passed 3 bills, military-friendly schools, veterans healthcare, and one for our local farmers. I co-sponsored and passed an additional 15 bills, and we responded to over 21,000 constituent emails over the last two months, on top of securing nearly $600,000 to help local students who fell behind due to the pandemic with a summer bridge program.
While I was in Tallahassee, Republicans back home were busy recruiting a candidate to run against me, and they succeeded in doing so. Our victory last year was the closest margin of any state house race in the state, so Republicans didn't waste any time. My opponent has now been in the race for over a month, and I'm starting from behind.
TODAY is the first day I can accept contributions, and this month will be the chance to show Republicans how strong we start our re-election campaign. Please consider starting a small recurring contribution of $5, $15, $25 or any amount you can do today. We know that the opposition will be well-funded, and we need to catch up.
Thank you for your unwavering support for my campaign, and thank you for always being there when it counts. Let's keep fighting, together!